Ashleigh Hartman
Chapter president
I’m a sophomore with a communications journalism major and an English minor. I’m from Norman, Oklahoma. I previously served DG as Director of Sisterhood and Collegiate Vice President of Programming!
Anna Tri
VP od social standards
Hey I’m finally getting around to sending what you asked for lol! Hello! My name is Anna Tri and I am from Wichita, Kansas. I’m a freshman majoring in biomedical engineering. My dream career is to become a surgical oncologist! In addition to being director of scholarship for DG, I am a member of the Student Ambassador Society, Cohen Honors College, and Society of Women Engineers. Fun fact: I’ve traveled to over 10 countries!
Alice Fitzgerald

VP Finance
Paeten Howard
VP communications
I am a junior studying social work at Wichita State University. I am so excited to make a difference in the lives of children and families some day! I love Delta Gamma and all of my sisters! Fun fact: I got a barbie shoe stuck in my nose when I was three.
My Bui

VP Programming
DG has been such a blessing and provided so many meaningful friendships and connections! I hope to continue serving this chapter through my position in the same way it has served me!
Emma Carter
VP Membership education
I am a member of MC ‘19 and am elementary education major. If I'm not spending time studying or playing with kiddos, I love to journal and spend quality time with my sisters. I am beyond excited to get to serve my chapter of Delta Gamma this next year as the director of service hours and get to watch first hand how my sisters are “doing good” through serving others!
Lauren O'Donnell

VP Membership
I’m majoring in Secondary English Education, hoping to one day be a high school English teacher! I’m a proud member of the Wichita State Dance Team and a Rudd Foundation Scholar. Fun fact about me is that I’ll drink iced coffee at any time of the year!
Natalie Werner

VP Panhellenic
My hometown is Wichita and I am majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders. I hope to become a Speech Pathologist in the future.
Kylee Broekemeier
VP Foundation
I’m majoring in Nursing with a minor in Psychology and I am from Lawrence, KS. My favorite DG memory is competing in Songfest both my freshman and sophomore years. Delta Gamma has given me some of the best friends and sisters I could ever ask for. I love how supportive and genuine everyone is and I couldn’t imagine going through college without these amazing women by my side.
Maizy Sutherland

Director of primary recruitment & honor board junior member
I’m majoring in criminal justice and psychology. I’m from Elkhorn, NE!! My two favorite things are coffee and criminal minds.
Lauren Kohler

Collegiate Director of DG Dialogues & honor board member-at-large
I'm the director of DG dialogues this year, and I am a junior majoring in criminal justice.
Kelsey Todd

Director of committees & honor board sophomore member
Megan Hibschman

director of house management
McKinley Matney

Director of e-communications
I am a marketing major & I love to draw! I am so thankful for the incredible friendships Delta Gamma has brought me!
Claire Pomeroy
Director of continuous recruitment and retention
I am a freshman on the graphic design tract, and most of my time is spent working with individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities. It is my desire to bring as many people into the beautiful DG sisterhood as I can!
Hailey Beckman

Director of recruitment records
Abbie McGown

Director of rituals
Ashley Grega

Director of social events
Kierstyn Cunningham

Director of chapter archives
Morgan Bruna
Director of funds
I am a freshman studying pre-nursing!
Isabel Goertz
Director of interfraternal activities
I am from Wichita and a Nursing Major!
Lauren Howell

Director of new members
Megan Kelley

Director of public relations
Haven Massey

Director of DG dialogues
Faith Seely

Director of senior programming
Bayle Sandy

Director of social awareness
Alyssa Dooms

Director of alumnae relations
Brittie Towner
Director of anchor splash
I am a freshman studying economics with a minor in law and public policy! I am also director of public relations for Panhellenic Council!
Cali Keith

Director of lectureship
Emma Kells

Director of fundraising
I plan to start nursing school in the fall of 2022! I love the small town where I grew up, and DG has a special place in my heart!
Karson Ross

Director of service hours
I am an exercise science major studying to be a physical therapist, and I love Dunkin' coffee!!
Jayden Thimmesch

Director of special events
Grace Davis

Director of Hippodrome
Emma Lett

Director of sisterhood
Chloe Thrailkill & Natalie Jorgensen

Directors of songfest
Destanee Brigman